Picture of Roman Vlčák

Roman Vlčák

An incorrigible perfectionist passionate about pixel-perfect work, who constantly strives to deliver the highest possible quality. Outside of Webgate, he is a caring husband and father to his young son. In his free time, he likes traveling with his family and doing puzzles.

Senior WordPress Developer • Co-founder

All Use Cases

Ako preložiť pole „E-mail na“ formulára Elementor pomocou WPML

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Use Case

Spúšťanie úspešných odoslaní formulára Elementor v nástroji Google Tag Manager

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Use Case

Rank Math SEO & Hello Theme: Vyhnite sa duplicitným meta popisom

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Use Case

Získavanie a ukladanie parametrov UTM z adries URL v odoslaných formulároch Elementor

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Use Case

Ako preložiť URL adresu tlačidla Elementor pomocou WPML

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Use Case

Vytvoriť PipeDrive Lead: Integrujte webový formulár a Zapier

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Use Case

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Front-end Development
Back-end Development
Low code/No-code
Low code/No-code
Web Design
UI/UX/CX Design