SuperScale: Výkonná webová stránka na mieru len za 6 týždňov

Pomohli sme s redizajnom a migráciou webovej stránky na CMS WordPress za 6 týždňov

O klientovi:

SuperScale je komplexná rastová platforma, ktorá ziskovo škáluje hry a blockchainové aplikácie na ich maximálny potenciál.

Poskytované služby:

Vedúci oddelenia marketingu at
Matúš Lieskovský

V rýchlom svete hier je kľúčom k úspechu agilita. Tím prekonal očakávania a vytvoril webovú stránku, ktorá zvyšuje zapojenie používateľov a zjednodušuje prevádzku. Ich realizácia komplexných integrácií v krátkom časovom horizonte bola pozoruhodná. Vrelo odporúčame pre každú technicky orientovanú spoločnosť.


Spoločnosť SuperScale stála na pokraji globálneho dosahu, ale potrebovala digitálnu transformáciu, ktorá by vystihla jej firemný étos a zároveň zachovala intuitívne prostredie optimalizované na výkon.
Potrebovali vysoko funkčnú webovú lokalitu, ktorá by podporovala robustné integrácie pre bezproblémovú používateľskú skúsenosť a správu potenciálnych zákazníkov bez toho, aby sa znížila estetika alebo čas načítania.


Dodávané produkty

  • Integrácia vlastného webového dizajnu
  • Optimalizácia vedenia CRM
  • Vysokorýchlostná migrácia webových stránok

„Dobre navrhnuté webové stránky a webové aplikácie majú významný vplyv na rast podniku“

Správne naplánované a vytvorené webové riešenia pomáhajú lepšie slúžiť vašim klientom.


We specialize in crafting websites and web applications for innovative companies and startups.


Today, our projects encompass a wide range, from building new business websites to revitalizing existing ones, building web applications (MVPs), and custom web development, including integrations with payment solutions, CRM systems etc.


Our team handles every aspect required to bring a web solution to life. This includes user research, project strategy, branding, user interface and experience design, usability testing, prototyping, web design, and development.

Sure, you’ll receive a team including a direct point of contact for project management, creative direction, and quality assurance. Finally, for ongoing support, you’ll have an account manager available whenever you need it.

Our design and development team works on-site from the co-work TheSpot in Bratislava, Slovakia, Europe.

You can find our client-oriented team in New York.

We love the human connection of being in person and, when possible, would love to find times to meet face-to-face when it makes sense.

At Webgate, we understand the importance of flexibility in budget and support for our partners.

i.e., Business website starting at 2900$.

We offer a blended rate for our services and work with our clients to determine what level of support we can provide based on their budgetary constraints.

Custom front/back end development starting from 400$/MD.

We offer two engagement models: time & materials and a fixed project fee.

Following discovery conversations and project briefings, our team will recommend the most suitable model for you. We will create a customized proposal, including a timeline and estimated cost.

We aim to deliver the best possible solutions to our partners, tailored to their specific requirements. We strive to meet your unique needs and budget constraints.

The average timeframe for traditional business website redesign/greenfield build projects is 4-6 weeks.

For lean and agile custom web app development, we can deliver 2-3 months.

We have experience working with clients in various time zones.

US: Our business hours are from 9-5 p.m. EST.
UK: 8-6 p.m. CET

Over the past seven years, we have perfected our client collaboration model, enabling seamless work with clients from the UK, Switzerland, and the USA.

We understand the challenges of different time zones and have implemented effective communication and project management strategies to overcome them.



Front-end Development
Back-end Development
Low code/No-code
Low code/No-code
Web Design
UI/UX/CX Design